Uh oh . . . AC and Blacklock are at it again!
Today’s Topic: Sustainable Health Care
Blacklock: Hey, AC, I’ve been attending this four week seminar on sustainable health care. Don’t worry, it’s all on-line, of course. Like everything these days.
AC: Sustainable health care? Now that’s an OXYMORON if ever there was one.
Blacklock: Yeah, well at least let me tell you about it. There are a couple of experts from the Centre for Sustainable Health Systems at University of Toronto. They give brief powerpoint talks, then send us out into virtual groups to discuss how to do sustainability in our work settings. Yesterday, there was all this advice on approaches to use when you’re trying to get something green happening at your hospital.
AC: Something GREEN? You mean like local food in the cafeteria, or more recycling boxes? Or getting rid of plastic straws? Big difference all that’s going to make.
Blacklock: Hey, you don’t need to be sarcastic. Every little bit counts. I know those kinds of things aren’t going to achieve much, but people have really good intentions. They want to make a difference.
AC: Well, like your dad used to say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Blacklock: I really wish you would give this conversation a chance! Mocking other people’s efforts is only going to drive people away.
AC: I know, I know, but I just can’t stand it when presumably intelligent individuals put their whole hearts into getting rid of plastic coffee cup lids, when the planet is facing climate annihilation . . .
What’s NEEDED at this point is a complete overhaul of human civilization.
Blacklock: That’s awfully judgemental. But now that I think about it, there was a guy in my discussion group whose pet project seems to be eliminating those stupid plastic lids. And so I told my group that it’s essentially futile to beg hospital administrators to embrace serious sustainability measures, when their funding models only incentivize reductions in costs and wait times.
AC: Where did you get a notion like that?
Blacklock: Well, it’s been brewing in my brain for a good few weeks . . .
There’s plenty of space in there since I hoofed you out.
But before you mouth off with another sarcastic retort, here’s what I was thinking. What if the Canadian government passed legally binding greenhouse gas reduction targets that were science based? I mean, targets that would actually keep global heating below 2C.
AC: Let me remind you that every country on the planet would have to do that, not just Canada. Greenhouse gases don’t respect borders any more than COVID does. And besides, what does that have to do with the carbon footprint of healthcare?
Blacklock: Well, here’s the thing: if the Ontario government passed legally binding targets, then they’d have to change the health care funding models to incentivize greenhouse gas reduction since health care produces a hefty chunk of Ontario’s emissions!
AC: You might be on to something there. Science-based targets are needed, for sure. But get real . . .
How are you going to convince Doug Ford to do it? He sued Trudeau over the carbon tax.
He may be doing ok with his pandemic management, but he’s no environmentalist. And our next election is at least eighteen months away.
Blacklock: You know, YOU are awfully full of cynicism today. Aren’t you the idealist, the would-be climate super-hero who loves to make me feel like crap when I don’t live up to your expectations?
AC: Blacklock, I’ve known you for sixty-one years. I know you all too well . . .
Remember back when you were a teenager, and your piano teacher told you that Beethoven’s Pathetique sonata was too hard for you? And you immediately decided to prove her wrong?
When somebody tells you something is too difficult or even impossible, you rise right up and become even more determined to do it!
Blacklock: So you are trying out reverse psychology on me? Why can’t we ever just have a normal conversation?
AC: I use the strategies that work. So should you.
Blacklock: Smart ass.
AC: How about you stop cussing and get back to me with an ACTUAL PLAN!